My features, satire, book and movie reviews, and interviews have appeared in the following publications:
The Charlotte Observer
Creative Loafing
Hickory Magazine
Charlotte’s Today’s American Woman
The Morganton News Herald recent articles:
Gone But Shouldn't Be Forgotten - 1,623 mentally ill patients
Technical Writing:
Grants: Under the auspices of Burke County United Way, secured $380,000 in funding for community projects. Also wrote successful grant for the Cat’s Cradle, a local animal rights group.
Volunteer writing:
Local non-profit newsletters, such as Burke WomeNews, the newsletter of the Burke County Council on the Status of Women, which I founded and named. (Editor, mid-1980s)
South of the Garden, newsletter of the Resource Center on Women and Ministry in the South: essay
Grants: solo and co-writer for a number of successful grants funding social justice causes. (Women’s health, help for battered women.)
Gwen Chappell Veazey is a native of North Carolina, USA. She lives in western NC with her husband and without her two post-college children, who insist they’re grown. Her articles and stories have appeared in The Charlotte Observer, Charlotte's Creative Loafing, Today’s American Woman, and other publications.
gwen [at]